Our Liturgy Ministries plan and help coordinate “special liturgies” during the year, and oversee all the details that help to make our celebrations beautiful and meaningful. Specifically, we help formulate and implement Lector and Extra-Ordinary Minister to Holy Communion guidelines, and act as liaisons between the priest and Director of Music. Additionally, we organize special projects as an extension of the liturgy in an effort to build and support our community of faith. These include the Lenten Soup Supper, following one of the Friday night Stations of the Cross, and the Advent Giving Tree Project.
VOLUNTEERS for this ministry cover a wide range of talents and skills, with service that can easily match your schedule. We welcome new ideas and new participants in all of the following:
* Lectors
* Extra-Ordinary Ministers
* Ushers
* Musicians – Singers and instrumentalists
* Flower arrangers/suppliers
* Altar angels to wash/iron altar linens and keep the sanctuary clean
* Lenten Supper assistance – set up rectory, clean-up, food contributions and serving help
* Small Communities Initiative – you can be a pot luck host or a guest
* Advent Giving Tree – help with tagging, collection and distribution of gifts
CONTACT the rectory if you would like to help in any aspect of this ministry.